SuperDeal Mini Single Tub Compact Washing Machine Top Loard 9 lbs Wash & Dry 2-in-1
$37.67 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Thanks for choosing our products. SuperDeal Portable Mini Single Tub Washing Machine is impressive to be your portable laundry solution for the sake of saving you time, money and space. Its compact size - 14" L x 14" W x 22" H, fast cleaning, and powerful motor act as a boon to those who lack space in their houses, dorms and mobile homes. Its transparent blue body keeps pretty while you can monitor the condition of the clothes through it. Its motor achieves connections between simultaneous washing and dehydration, providing users with the convenience of washing and spinning up to 9 total pounds of laundry. It will become a smart laundry embedded in life, so that tens of millions of families enjoy quality home appliance technology and laundry experience.
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